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4 Ways To Renew Your Life!

Thoughts and feelings of renewal have been in my body and mind for the last year and it's now the perfect time to share how to dust ourselves off so we can be renewed in body, mind, and spirit. :)

Here are 4 ways that help me revive and renew myself:

1) Acceptance - The fast momentum of the holidays is closing so take a moment to regroup and accept all that is and all that will come for 2017. Close your eyes and take some easy breaths. Notice your breath. What does your breath teach you about YOU, right now. Just accept where you are. Accept yourself as you are and be okay with your triumphs and failures, your kindness and judgements, your light and your darkness. When you step forward and accept all of you, then you can be authentic and start to make changes for renewal.

2) Let Go Of Old Beliefs - Some of our beliefs support our growth and some do not. You are the only one that knows which beliefs no longer serve you. One way of finding out which ones to let go of is to write a list of your "should's and shouldn't's". For example, I used to tell myself that "I should" be strong and shouldn't ask for help". This is a false belief that only held me back so I changed my belief to "I am strong and I know when to ask for help". See how this works? Ask yourself, what is no longer serving you? Letting go of old beliefs is so liberating!! I promise! You can step into a whole new dimension of being and open to unlimited possibilities.

3) Variety & Joy - We cannot renew ourselves if we keep doing the same things, sticking to the same routines, repeating the same patterns. We need to expand and be open to life's possibilities. Focus on your heart or on the center of the chest and see what comes up for you. What are some things that you currently do that you enjoy and want to continue doing? What are some things that you used to do that you want to try again? What are some new things that you haven't done and are curious to try? Think big!!

4) Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone - The road to healing and renewal may feel like 2 steps forward and 2 steps back - I know the feeling big time! This may feel continuous but ultimately you are moving forward even though it may not seem like it. Each time you step forward you are stepping out of your comfort zone and into your truth. You are finding freedom as you step forward even though you may regress or self-sabotage yourself and move backward. This is normal and is the ego trying to keep you safe - this is the ego's job. Your body's job is to know your personal truth and wants you to expand. Listen to your body and it will lead you to take another step forward into possibility and enchantment. A step into the unknown may be scary but your body's wisdom and the universe will guide you and you will feel it. Do you feel excitement and uplifted or down and depressed? Does the universe provide signs and synchronicities to let you know you are on the right path and supported? Pay attention to this and it will lead you to your renewed and unlimited life!

Take one step today to start listening to your inner guidance. It takes practice and effort but it’s well worth it. You are going to figure it out. You are going to make it. You are ok. You are already so wise and whole…you just need to believe it and recognize it in yourself. If you can’t trust yourself just yet, trust me. :)

Do you want more guidance from me to help you listen to your body and your truth?

Please join me in my upcoming Group Vitality Program! During this program, I will invite you to gain awareness about your body and areas that you may choose to bring towards balance. We are all whole and have the right to feel vital, nourished, and free. This can help shine light on the energy inside of you! My coaching style is not about advising or telling you what to do or forcing change, rather it is about opening a different perspective to see the infinite possibilities in your life! When you can co-create your life into a life that you are excited about living, then change happens. It's amazing how little you have to push and pull when you can let life flow naturally simply by being in tune and in line with your true, authentic self. Below are some details on my in-person and phone group program:

January 2017 - 6 Week Intensive

Week 1: What nourishes you?

Week 2: Body Wisdom - What is it saying?

Week 3: Variety & Joy - Essential oils - Self care

Week 4: Speak Up - True Needs - Communication

Week 5: Authenticity - Inner Truth

Week 6: Immersion - Truth in Action

Small group (10 people max)



Learn inner guidance

One step at a time


Gentle Yoga



Private Facebook group for 2 months

Ongoing monthly support groups -

Sign up before program fills up!

In-person group: $160 When: Saturdays starting Jan. 14th from 2-4pm Where: The Zen Room

Phone group: $120 When: Wednesdays starting Jan. 11th from 6:30-8pm Where: Wherever

One-to-one coaching: $535 - Customized schedule (phone or in-person)

Want to learn more? Click here for the in-person program and here for the phone group.

Whatever step you take, stay true to yourself.

Inspiration, Light, and Healing to you!

Please email me with questions. :)

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