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The Quiet Power of Yin Yoga

When I had chronic fatigue, I practiced Yin Yoga daily as it nourished me deeply in mind, body, and soul. It taught me that in order to heal, I needed to surrender and accept what was happening before I could begin to change. It's easier to say, than do, I know! I do think it's true tho because I started to heal and find support once I surrendered. :)

Before I invite you to practice Yin Yoga, I want to explain a bit about yin and yang. We all have parts of us that are yang and parts of us that are yin. The yang side of us is the side that pushes us further in life and is also the side that believes we need more of a challenge. A yang-style of yoga would be power yoga or any yoga where you are working toward a deeper stretch or muscular challenge. I personally believe that most of us are living in a yang-type world both inward and outward. The yang side of us is focused on change and striving upward while the yin side surrenders to what is and softly expands when the body and mind are ready. Yin yoga is focused on the yin nature of ourselves which is the more compassionate and accepting side. It's nice to come back to our true nature of acceptance of the here and now as this side knows that everything thing is gong to be ok, just as it is. During yin yoga, we hold deeper restorative-type poses for 3-5 minutes. This gives time for the connective tissue in the body (which is deeper than the muscles) to soften. It's also a good practice for the mind as these long holds can tend to make our minds wander. The key is to soften the mind and accept what is happening in the moment, without judgement. It may be helpful to repeat a mantra silently in your mind to welcome in the present moment. I want to emphasize that it is not about resisting thoughts, emotions, or feelings in any way, it is about acknowledging, and accepting them. When your emotions are ready to transform, they will. :)

I encourage you to be open to your yin side because it may be all you have at the moment and that's ok. Click on the video below and experience your yin nature. :~)

As alway, let me know your thoughts, comments, and concerns.

You can practice my longer yin yoga video here. :)

I love supporting you and wish you the best in healing, love, and nourishment!

Contact me at with personal questions.

Thank you!



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