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How I Trust My Instincts

Ever had that "aha" moment when you were clear on something in your life? Maybe you have a memory when you knew deep inside that you should or shouldn't do something? That was your instincts talking. Some people say that this is God's voice directing them to the right path and some call it your inner voice but, I believe, it is the same thing. There is also evidence of your gut/brain axis (gut feeling) that can guide your way (I will post about later). Your instincts may be God's voice, it may be the universe, and it may be your subconscious voice, but which ever you believe, it is true.

I am here to help you honor your instincts (guiding voice inside of you) so you can live your best life

with less "work" on your part.

Lets get the definition straight. First of all, the word instinct is a noun (person, place, or thing). It is not an action, or a way to describe something. It is a "thing" that is inside all of us, all of the time. The definition is described below from Merriam Webster dictionary:


-a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way​

-something you know without learning it or thinking about it

​-a natural ability

Personally, I did not start trusting my instincts until later in my mid-twenties and, even now, I have many doubts and times of people pleasing tendencies. In my teenage years and early twenties, I was a young girl with very low self confidence and always thought other people knew what I should be doing rather than following my heart. For some people, following your voice starts much earlier in life and for some, much later. This is okay, it's never too late to trust your instincts to guide your life.

So....How to start trusting your instincts....

#1. Know yourself.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

He is right because you cannot expect to get what you want if you do not know yourself and your true values. Whatever works for you, is good!

You can learn about yourself by evaluating your life, without judgement and criticism Look at yourself honestly and curiously and love everything you have seen and done, for it made you who you are. Remember you are okay, just as you are. Finding a regular spiritual practice can help you know yourself. You can have a spiritual practice in many ways. I suggest you find a way or ways that light you up and energizes your true self in a peaceful manner. I am a woman who likes change and so I like to change my spiritual practice to match my current life and desires.

Some examples of a spiritual practice are:

  • Dance

  • ​Meditation

  • ​Belonging to a Church or Group

  • ​Art

  • ​Journaling

  • ​Cooking

  • ​Yoga

  • ​Walking/Running

  • ​Being in Nature

  • ​Gardening

and the list goes on...

#2. Always be on the lookout.

"Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.” –Lao Tzu

It doesn't mean that you have to know exactly what you want, although it does help. Your instincts can help you find what you want, if you are unsure.

Awareness is something your can learn over time by practicing your spiritual side and by breathing. Stop and smell the roses! We are all so rushed all of the time but we can find a way to become more aware. Maybe stopping at the park for 10 minutes on your way home from work to get some fresh air. Possibly take a bath at night with some essential oils to wind down. This can bring your body into a relaxed state which, in turn, helps you become more open to the right opportunities.

#3. Love and let go.

“In the end these things matter most: How well did you love? How fully did you live? How deeply did you let go?” ― Gautama Buddha

Ask yourself this every morning and every night and see what happens. If you live with kindness towards all living things and live in awareness, then you will trust the ability to let go. Let go of what?

Let go of the need to control your life. This is a tough one... You should have a plan in mind but many times plans fall apart and we become lost. I recommend to have an end goal in mind but do not attach to this goal so much that you are hopeless without it. Trust that you are striving toward your purpose. Sometimes we let our minds override our instincts and life purpose. We are human's, not animals so our minds can lead our life but our instincts make life easier by guiding us with decisions Why not use your mind and your instincts together? When an opportunity presents itself, your instincts will tell you "yes" or "no". You can set the tone for your life by trusting yourself and trusting nature to set you free!

Remember, that the words instincts is a noun, not an action word. Your job is to take action when you know what to do!

Have you struggled to trust your instincts? Do you have recommendations to help others follow their hearts? Tell me in the comments below. I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my post:)


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