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3 questions to ask yourself when you loose balance.

Do you notice that it seems that once you get one thing in your life balanced then something else immediately comes up and throws you off track? I totally understand the feeling and frustration but let's look at it from a different perspective and figure out what can be done NOW to get you back in the groove:)

First, I highly encourage you to journal what helps you move forward…as well as journal what brings you back. Also, note the big picture…are you ultimatly moving forward? What areas in you life are moving forward and which areas are moving back?

Hopefully, this will help you see things more clearly:)

One thing to remember; taking risks to move forward in any area of life always has setbacks…it is not easy. Be gentle and kind to yourself during this process. The road to success also has stop signs...

Second, what are YOUR top priorities and goals NOW?

What do you need right now, today, to bring balance to your life? Possibly quiet time to meditate? Long walk? Allowing yourself to do nothing at all? Doing something that adds variety and fun to your day? Whatever you need, I highly encourage you to do it:)

Is anxiety causing you to loose touch with your true spirit? Sometimes when I'm worried and having anxious thoughts I'll ask myself “is this thought true or false?” "It this thought a fact or fiction?” The answer is always that the thought is not the truth, it is just a thought in my way! I'll say to myself "I am here" to remind myself to be in the present moment. This takes practice and I emphasize being kind and gentle with yourself:~)

What are the benefits of you being happy and healthy?…everyone benefits!

Third, What can you celebrate? Celebrate your triumphs as well as your setbacks. Your setbacks teach you more about you and your truth. They are powerful teachers in your life if you choose to look at them in this way. Celebrate you for taking the step towards healing and growth! Do a little dance and give your body joy!!

Focus on your breath and awareness of what is happening in the body.

Breathing in... “I am”, Breathing out... “joyful”

What has helped you bring your life back into balance? I would love to hear about how you find balance or what I can do to support you!

Much love and gratitude to you!!

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